Updating the book collections of libraries with current books

The purpose of the project
To support the curiosity of children from 3 years to books
Creating a section of children's literature in an adult library
Out target
Buy and donate to the library named after Bagrytskyi
Maria Poblinkova
The founder of the fund and the author of the projects
I am a book lover :)

How many wonderful books I have read, and how many more will be read.

I consider the book to be the best gift for children and adults.

I aim to help in the development of literature in Ukraine:
give books to children on holidays
conduct presentations on digitization of libraries
to take part in the transformation of libraries into educational spaces

Book results 2024

A presentation about Canadian libraries was held for the All-Ukrainian Library Day

The foundation donated books and magazines to 4 different city libraries

2 memorandums of cooperation were signed
-Department of Culture, Nationalities, Religions and Cultural Heritage Protection of Odesa Regional State Administration Municipal Institution "Odesa Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M.S. Hrushevskyi"
-Municipal institution "Centralized library system for adults"

Planned for 2025: Innovation workshop "Library - a space of change"
Gift books from other projects
The "Family Healing Yoga" project was held in the summer for children and parents in the fresh air in the Victory Park every Saturday in summer 2024.

A book with exercises as a gift in memory of the project
Gift books from other projects
The project Let's travel craft Ukraine presented various professions, modern productions and products of crafters.
The book "Alphabet of Professions from A to Z" was a thematic gift for the start of the project
We support Ukrainian business by buying books
  • Видавництво "Ранок"
  • Видавництво "Читаріум"
  • Книгарня Є
We are looking for the cooperation and support
  • Libraries from around the world
  • Literature clubs who ready to share books
  • Books stores ready to donate us books
  • People who would like to donate books