You-Tube channel Ukrainians & Canadians

These are videos that tell the stories of Ukrainian families who came to Canada because of the war in Ukraine. The audience of the channel is Ukrainian and English-speaking communities. Programs are subtitled with English subtitles.

The main goal of the project is to exchange information about life in Canada, resources for finding work, housing, financial support, medicine and education, training, etc.
The heroes of the programs are Ukrainians who talk about themselves, their life in Ukraine, their choice to move to Canada, the difficulties they have faced and how they solve them and who helps in this.
The author of the project, Olena Skaletska, is a well-known TV presenter from Kharkiv, author of popular TV projects, director of an independent Ukrainian TV channel, adheres to journalistic standards in the work on revealing what distinguishes this project from blogger channels.
The purpose of the project
Filming of documentaries about Ukrainians who are forced to leave their native country due to the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine. Who are Ukrainians? What are our dreams, achievements? How did our life change during the war?
Finding interesting characters and stories for future films. Also, in parallel, we find answers to the most popular questions of Ukrainians who have arrived in Canada and plan to come under the Quaye program. Recording of interviews with managers of organizations, social workers who help Newcomerz with documents, job search, training, housing, etc. Integration of Newcomerz into new realities through communication with each other, local people. How is adaptation in an unfamiliar country and what difficulties have Ukrainians encountered in Canada.
These interviews already provide Canadian viewers with important information. Also, people have the opportunity to share information, which is very useful for those Ukrainians who are just coming to Canada. It is extremely important to maintain ties between one's own, to communicate in one's native language, to preserve traditions. But it is desirable to increase the audience of Canada, so that as many viewers as possible, both Ukrainians and Canadians, join the project. Because one of the main goals of the project is to tell the stories of Ukrainians to the whole world.