Lili Linok's author's course
"Personal wardrobe literacy"

What awaits you
Clothes are an integral part of a person's life and a part of his personality.
Four modules (8 hours of theory and practice) will help you understand how to rearrange your wardrobe to use your things with pleasure in all areas of life.

You will determine for yourself the best colors and shades, prints and patterns, styles, textures and accessories.

You will learn to easily identify and choose your items while shopping, saving money, energy and order in your closet.
Module 1
Color: nature, theory, characteristics, physiology and psychology of perception.
Color type of appearance and palette of shades. How the rules of color combination and the laws of composition work.

Module 2
Lines, shape, proportions, silhouette.
How optical illusions contribute to the correction of figure features. Clothing styles and cut details.

Module 3
Clothing styles and appearance style vector. Prints, patterns, ornaments. The texture and texture of the material. How to choose accessories and jewelry.

Module 4
Functions of clothing and wardrobe tasks. Capsule wardrobe. A system of personal style elements.
Для кого:
For everyone who is interested in this topic.
Age from 18 years

Registration involves attending all 4 classes of the course and completing practical tasks
  • Lili Linok
    Personal stylist, trainer and methodologist
  • Mariia Poblinkova
What will you be able to do after completing the course?

  • have 20-25 items and make more than 60 sets from them
  • get dressed in 10 minutes and then don't change before going out
  • confidently say "No" to yourself on Black Friday when shopping online
  • instantly identify your items in any store and quickly decide on a purchase
  • consciously put together effective looks for any occasion to look the way you want
  • feel easy and confident under any circumstances, controlling your behavior and emotions
  • create your desired personal future today
First group. July 2024