Rehabilitation of military veterans in Tenerife
Canary islands

The essence of this rehabilitation center is to pull people out of the informative war field and show that the world is colorful and extraordinary. The world is not limited only to what the war leaves us and the consequences that remain after the war.

This center is able to take people out of the state that oppresses and prevents further development as a person, as a social unit, as a person who is left alone with his problems and the consequences of the post-war impact on the psyche.

This rehabilitation center will be created precisely in order to bring people out of such states with the help of specialists, with the help of methods and work personally with everyone and with groups in particular.

Target audience
  • This project is being developed for those who, in their turn, took responsibility for society, did not spare their health, their lives, went to defend their land, their people, at the cost of their health and lives to attack aggression and stop the enemy.
How we will make it
  • This rehabilitation center is for those people who need physical and psychological help.
  • For physical recovery, separate programs will be created for each.
  • In order to restore the resource. sports potential, so that people can again enjoy travel, excursions, tourism, sports, to return them to this interesting rhythm of life, and to extract them from these terrible realities of this most difficult period of their lives, we will create and provide cases that people will be able to use personally to get rid of the difficult fate that war leaves for everyone. We will fill those voids that a person cannot cope with alone.
Як ми побачимо результат?

  • Those people who will undergo rehabilitation in our center, they will give 2 interviews at the beginning and at the end. And we will see this feedback, what effect this therapy has, but I can say about prejudice from my own experience, since I am a person who has gone through it on my own experience, that the places where the therapy will be carried out, the methods that will be included in this therapy, they have impressive results.
  • People are convinced that they can, that they want to, that they have a path that a person can and wants to follow.
Our task:
  • This center will provide psychological help, will work through these moments that created these voids, will fill them with a thirst for life, will provide resources that people can use in order to find the strength in themselves to move on, and not remain who they are. .. , not to remain helpless one on one with their problems.
Direction of our work
  • Development of personal programs taking into account personal needs
  • Group classes of a psychologist
  • Sports training
  • Yoga classes
  • Surf and sups
  • Rehabilitation classes
  • Excursions, trips