Mariia Poblinkova
Project manager, grant writer and project author
Founder of the charitable foundation "Thrive"

In charity: Since 2022, coordinator of the charity fund “Odessa Breeze”, grantwriter for “Trimay”.
Professional evidence - over 12 years of business experience, over 60 satisfied clients and completed projects.
  1. Anti-crisis management for ceramic workers from the company February -April 2023
  2. "Strategic session" in the Gromadsky movement "Vira, Nadiya, Lyubov"
  3. Initiation of fundraising with Sergiy Averkov August - September 2023
  4. "Perfect content plan for the organization" from Public Organization “Committee of Elections of Ukraine” August 2023
  5. Training “Effective Communications” from Public organisation “Committee of Elections of Ukraine” August 2023
  6. Training “How to eliminate the risks of corruption and preserve the trust of donors” August 2023
  7. "Gender-oriented management based on results" from United Nations Woman October 2023

I am ready to help those who want to grow and develop their projects.